Thanks to everyone who made it to the launch last Friday night!

A huge thanks to Angus Arley for providing us with a beautiful atmosphere with acoustic appropriations from some of our favourite performers. My favorite was his rendition of ‘Song 2’ by Blur. Gus has great taste music and made each song his own, whether using his harmonic (AND strong!) vocals, the sweet strummings of the ukelele or the guitar. It was all such a great mix of personal style and homage to what are some of the all time best songs for our generation. Gus is also the super talented design whois the brains behind the branding and design of SAW. You can find out how to get him at your next do by clicking here.

After the first set by Angus Arley, I presented a powerpoint slideshow telling the SAW story; past, present and future. If you missed the presentation you can contact me via email and I will send you a PDF copy.

The main gist of it all is that we have a small amount of funding to paint ARThive ARI in Morgan Street. The first project is to paint ARThive (Super, cool and awesome, right?!!). There are some details involved about what areas are open for ‘arting’. So please click the link below and get thinking about your designs all over Newcastle’s most exciting artist run gallery and studio hub.


We really love all the support and interest from all the individuals and groups who have been interacting with our project. Please let us know if you enjoy the artworks in the Hunter Street mall. We especially want to see images or any references to the artworks. So if you took some sweet photos, made a blog entry or anything related to our project, we would love to know about it. The more we can show that SAW is supported by our community, the more public spaces we get to beautify!

We will be setting up a ‘Friends of SAW’ link on our blog to show all our our newfound friends like Renew Newcastle, Make Space, Urban Ballerina and Urban Insider.

As you can see, we are collating some really cool links to share with you like articles, flickr pages and photographs featuring SAW artworks by individuals and groups.

A very special thanks to Christina Robberds from The Octapod Association for all her help in producing SAW. Marni Jackson and Renew Newcastle must be commended for all their assistance with the launch. Sara from Sushi Koo also did an amazing job supporting us with part sponsorhip for the evening. We had a lovely time sipping wine and nibbling sushi!

Thanks again for all your interest in our work. We hope to meet and hear more stories from you soon.

If you want to contact me directly, please go to contacts for further info.

Simone Sheridan

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